

当提到动词 “tell” 时,许多学习者可能首先想到的意思是 “告诉、讲述”。然而,尽管 “tell” 看起来很简单,但它的用法远不止于此。下面的 “一分钟英语” 视频将向你介绍一些你可能不知道的关于 “tell” 的意思和用法。


Hello, everyone! When we think of the word "tell," we often associate it with "speaking." However, it's important to note that "tell" doesn't always have to mean conveying information through speech. ***llow me to explain why.

… ***lright, in that instance, I was referring to 'speaking'.

In addition to its definition as 'to say something to someone', the verb 'tell' can also be used to convey the meanings of 'know', 'recognize', 'understand', or 'perceive'.

The verb 'can' is frequently combined with it to form 'can tell' for the present and 'could tell' for the past. This combination is commonly used.

I can tell he's from France because of his accent.

Or: The presence of dark clouds indicated that rain was imminent.

We frequently utilize it to discuss disparities – in such cases, we may employ the negative form or pose a question.

***re you able to distinguish between this cup and that cup?

I'm having trouble distinguishing between this cup and that cup!

We frequently utilize the phrase "you can tell" when referring to something that should be evident to most individuals.

It's easy to tell that he's an English teacher because he always has the answers.


1 “Tell” is commonly used to express "inform, communicate something to someone."

Let me tell you why.

2 “Tell” 还可以表示对于某事的了解、辨别、理解或察觉。在表达这些意思时,常常与动词 “can” 搭配使用。使用 “can tell” 可以表明现在的情况,而使用 “could tell” 则表示过去的情况。

I can tell he's from France. His accent gives it away.

We could predict that rain was imminent based on the presence of dark clouds.

在疑问句和否定句中,我们可以使用“tell the difference”来表示“区分、分辨出不同之处”。

***re you able to distinguish between this cup and that cup?

I'm having trouble distinguishing between this cup and that cup!


It's easy to recognize him as an English teacher because he possesses a vast knowledge and can effortlessly provide answers to any question.




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